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Customer Success
eLearning for all of the modules and features in Gainsight Customer Success solution.
Product Experience
eLearning path supports users in Product Experience installation, configuration, analytics and more
Customer Communities
eLearning for the Community application
Customer Education
eLearning for the Customer Education platform
What's New
CS Admin: AI Scorecards
Welcome to the AI Scorecards Course. As organizations strive for enhanced customer engagement and growth, understanding customer health through effective Scorecards has never been more crucial. This course will guide you through the intricacies of using AI-based analytics to optimize your Scorecards. You will learn about the data requirements and how the AI Scorecards work.
CS Admin: Getting Started with Copilot
This course will guide you through the essentials of using Gainsight's AI-powered Copilot, a chat tool with access to customer and Timeline data that you can ask questions of and get help from.
10 min
Introducing Gainsight's AI Agent in Slack
In this course, you will explore how Gainsight's AI Agent in Slack can transform your daily interactions with customer data. Discover how to access instant, context-rich answers about your accounts directly within Slack, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly and share insights across teams.
10 min