Gainsight University

CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training
CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training
CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training

About the Course

CE admins invest heavily in creating training content, but lack the ability to monetize it. Using the CE Commerce Solution, CE Admins can monetize learning content including Courses, Learning Paths, and Instructor-led trainings. Admins can create coupons and promo codes to increase Sales and Revenue. Learners can buy content on behalf of others, simplifying bulk transactions.

Course Categories

[FEATURE] Course Building
[LANGUAGE] English
[PRODUCT] Customer Education
Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Course Content
    1. CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training
CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training
CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training
Course Progress
Not started

About the Course

CE admins invest heavily in creating training content, but lack the ability to monetize it. Using the CE Commerce Solution, CE Admins can monetize learning content including Courses, Learning Paths, and Instructor-led trainings. Admins can create coupons and promo codes to increase Sales and Revenue. Learners can buy content on behalf of others, simplifying bulk transactions.

Course Outline
  1. Course Content
    1. CE: Leveraging Commerce to Monetize Your Training

Course Categories

[FEATURE] Course Building
[LANGUAGE] English
[PRODUCT] Customer Education